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Discover the best and easiest ways of getting around Uganda

by Diana Quintero | September 1, 2022
Ugandan streets with motorcycle and car traffic how to travel uganda

Uganda is known as the “Pearl of Africa” and to truly discover this treasure of immense natural beauty you´ll need to take different transport means for getting around Uganda. This country offers you a lot of options, so grab your passport, Uganda e visa, and fly to this beautiful nation! 

This article will tell you everything you need to know about getting around Uganda and the cost so you can plan your trip to Uganda accordingly. 

Getting around Uganda: airport transfers 

There are no public options for getting around Uganda from Entebbe international airport, so when it comes to getting to your accommodation you will need to find another answer to how to get around Uganda. 

You can play it safe by booking a private transport option before you go. There are many different companies that offer various options, from taxis to buses or shuttles that take you from the airport to your hotel for a reasonable price.  If you haven't booked ahead, a non-official taxi will be a cheaper but riskier option. To avoid any possible issues or scams make sure you get a taxi that is clearly marked “airport taxi”. 

How to get around Uganda: city transports

Getting around Uganda in the the city cheaply it's possible if you use any of the following options: 

Motorbike taxi 

These motorbike taxis are known as Boda-bodas in Uganda. They can be found on most streets in big cities like Kampala and also smaller cities since they´re a good way for locals to make a living and they are a practical and cheap way of getting around. 


Bus companies cover the main routes between main cities in Uganda and to different destinations in Africa, but the level of comfort and reliability can vary depending on the destination, the company and the vehicle. The bus is definitely a cheap way of travelling. 


Minibuses or Matatus are a practical way of getting around, despite not being the most comfortable, nor having a set timetable - they wait until the bus is full of passengers to set off. You can often catch a Matatu without even going to the station, if there is space the driver will stop when you signal. 

Map to know how to get around Uganda


You can use the Uber app (download it in the app store or Google Play) to book a ride with a set price. 

Getting around Uganda by renting a car

If you want to be independent and don't want to depend on set routes or timetables or spend time waiting for buses to fill up with passengers, you can rent your own car. There are many rental car agencies in Uganda where you can rent a car or motorbike for a set amount of time quite easily. 

The cost of the vehicle will vary depending on which one you hire.  A scooter can be rented on average for 25 dollars a day. A 4x4 could be much more expensive, but worth it if you want to drive into remote areas in all weathers. 

There are definitely enough options to rent vehicles that are within your budget and you also don't need an international license to rent a car in Uganda. 

Renting a car with a driver 

Driving around Uganda can be quite challenging for the average driver. There are several reasons why. Firstly they drive on the left side of the road and secondly there is quite a high rate of road traffic accidents in the country.  

Many visitors to Uganda prefer to hire a driver even if it's a bit more expensive. Prices vary depending on the type of vehicle you hire, as well as where you hire it. Hiring a driver can have a cost of around 40 to 50 USD per day, which is around 152544.08 Ugandan Shilling as well as the cost of the vehicle. 

Tips to travel in Uganda 

  • Plan your journeys well. Make sure you have enough time to go from place to place and allow extra time in case of delays. 
  • If you´re going to rent a car, don't go for the cheapest one. Make sure you get a 4x4 if you are going to remote areas and are going to be driving off-road be prepared in case of breakdown. 
  • If you travel without a guide or a driver make sure you have enough petrol and you carry plenty of food, water and a blanket.